Tuesday, March 12, 2013


We’re Back! From Being Hacked!

Yes dear readers, Broker Watch and its mother ship the Texas Transit Association  (TTA) was hacked. Our computer consultant discovered that malware was ingested by our server bringing Broker Watch and the TTA website to a grinding halt.

But we have returned and we appreciate your patience. A number of you have been reading faithfully and are anxious for to get up and running again. We understand that we have some readers nationwide who are fighting their own battles with the full-risk brokers.

So who would do such a thing as to hack little-ole-us? We have no money. We have a very narrow focus in our message. Who then?

Here’s a multiple choice test for you:

1. Who cyber attacked Broker Watch?

(a) Chinese national army (why wouldn’t they?)
(b) Obama (someone told us he was to blame for everything)
( c) Blame it on Rio (an obscure movie reference)
(d) Full-risk brokers

Tough one.

More to come….