Friday, December 7, 2012

Get Rich Quick! Medical Transportation Opportunities

Get Rich Quick! Medical Transportation Opportunities

So where do the full-risk brokers find their transportation contractors. You know….the ones which are not regulated, ill-trained, and operating vehicles with intentional disregard for th

e Ame
ricans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ones who don’t secure wheel chairs. The ones who may have a criminal record. The ones that may not even have a valid drivers license.

Well, NEMT is the new entrepreneurial business opportunity to get rich quick from tax dollars!

Here is what they are saying!

Talk about FREE healthcare?! Medicaid recipients not only receive FREE medical benefits but, according to Article 1915 of the Social Security Act, recipients also get FREE transportation to and from their medical appointments!
But the good news for you, the transportation provider, is that with Medicaid, depending on your State, you can generate some seriously BIG reimbursement checks that you'll love receiving in the mail…like clockwork!
And similar to Private-Pay transportation providers, there are some NEMT providers that ONLY service Medicaid clients! Why? Because in some counties, the reimbursement rates are just that high!”

1 comment:

  1. Ah ha~Just like, "Buy property for no money down!" Again, this is not about houses or land, it's about humans!
