The problem appears to be that LogistiCare is paid a flat fee for each and every member that might qualify for NEMT services if they had no other transportation to those appointments. Don't let the term no
medical transportation fool you -- these are necessary rides to
necessary doctor's appointments and other covered services. Covered
health care needs are critical to maintain a reasonably healthy quality
of life and, in some cases like dialysis or chemotherapy, they are
life-or-death appointments. This privatization scheme, unbelievably to
most who look at it, literally pays LogistiCare upfront whether or not
services are actually provided. LogistiCare increases its profits by
denying NEMT even when participants are fully-qualified and need this
transportation service.
All states need to work togther as victims suffering and dying all over USA. This is absurd Logisticare and med insurance and states doing this. By law all must report to Office of Inspector General and medical boards. Not even se CMS is, Cheryl Bromage!