Thursday, December 6, 2012

What Scottie Didn't Tell Us: "Divide and Conquer" Literally Includes Killing People
MADISON, WISCONSIN.  Let's begin by pointing out an objective fact that anyone with a serious health problem fully-understands:  Not having access to reasonable, prompt, and appropriate health care KILLS.  Anyone that can't see doctors when they are sick, before they are so sick that their only choice is to go to an emergency room, will die slowly; some, quickly.  And they suffer -- boy can they suffer.

Republicans like Wisconsin's Deceiver-in-Chief Gov. Scott "John Doe" Walker,  want to undermine the Affordable Care Act and pretend that "free markets" exist for health care, even chanting, "LET HIM DIE" in reference to those without health insurance.  There are no free markets for health care, never has been and never will be.  Most problems we see in health care delivery in America are due to failures of "free markets" and it is insane to think that the same system that massively fails Americans will "fix" the problem.

So let's put this into perspective:  Lack of health care kills way more people than Al-Qaeda:

"For every person who dies in a terrorist attack globally, 58 people in the United States die due to lack of health care."
And in this writer's informed opinion, these numbers are conservative and actually under-state the problem because, since some without prompt, reasonable, and convenient access to health care will die quickly (easy to identify and tabulate), but some will die very slowly, it is difficult-to-impossible identify and tabulate this situation in a comprehensive manner, especially when deaths occur outside of a health care facility.

When we talk about health care reform, we are talking about a serious life-and-death situations and it is a sign of a sick culture when self-proclaimed "christians" chant "LET HIM DIE!"

We would like to keep this post short, but the topic is complex.  For more details about any issue in this post, please click on the hyperlinks provided for documentation and more in-depth analysis.  Please also do your own research.  Please feel free to post what you find in our comments or email them to:

Radical extremist Gov. Scott Walker is promoting economic terrorism, lying about "shared sacrifices," demanding austerity impossed on working and economically disadvantaged Americans at a time when corporate profits are at record highs and real wages for workers are at record lows.  He directly stated to his largest in-state donor, a billionaire that pays absolutely no state income tax, that his purpose was to "divide and conquer" and that this strategy was designed to flip Wisconsin to the type of economic basket-case that the old southern confederacy states still suffer from -- a region of the country dominated by republicans and the largest income disparities in America.

Now Scott Walker says he will ignore Affordable Care Act law until after November elections, endangering Wisconsin citizens,  Please click through and look at that last link -- what we are really talking about is the ultimate in "divide and conquer" -- hastening the deaths of men,women, and children that do not have access to health care under the current dysfunctional system.  Here's the final paragraph that summarizes the link in this paragraph:
Walker may want to be on the wrong side of history on nearly every issue since he’s a bought-off, purchased puppet of the Koch Brothers, but his policies on this important issue of health care seriously endanger Wisconsin children, women, seniors, the disabled, the poor and others if he chooses political partisanship over responsible governance.
But, like everything else in Fitzwalkerstan, the situation is actually much worse than even this post explains so far.  Gov. Scott Walker's administration is also breaking the law by refusing to release any number of documents that are mandated to be made public and information the law demands be released under open records laws.  Walker's Wisconsin Department of Administration are thumbing their nose at state law on outside contractors and refuse to provide information about who is getting paid for what.

Perhaps Walker's disregard for the rule of law is somehow related to the fact he is a target of a John Doe probe?

If this mandated report, which Walker's administration is more than 8 months late in releasing, was available the way Wisconsin law mandates, we would see some very disturbing information about a contractor, Logisticare, a "service provider" that is actually harming the neediest of Wisconsin citizens by consistently failing to perform the health care support services that they are being paid the "big bucks" to perform.

From VOICES "You Can't Make This Crap Up" department, one of the massive failures of Walker's hand-picked contractor, Logisticare, is that THEY DON'T TAKE PEOPLE TO THEIR DOCTORS APPOINTMENTS!

Reemmber, this actually kills people, some slowly, some quickly... 

VOICES has just been provided 2 reports about this organization -- at best incompetent, but increasing appearing to be corruption at Logisticare:  HERE is a fully-sourced analysis of the problem and HERE is a fully-sourced analysis of what these problems mean.  

VOICES is working to create a series that breaks down these academic-style thesis's into a series of short, easy-to-understand summaries of the complex issues at state, fully sourced and resourced with hyperlinks.  We would like to publish these analysis of the problem, its impact on citizens, and potential solutions at our blog and in our newspaper.

So Scott Walker has proclaimed to the world he will not implement health care laws that the U.S. Supreme Court has validated and he won't do so for purely political purposes.  Even his ally and republican crony Attorney General has issued an official statement that Walker must comply the law.

But Walker would rather play political games of one-upmanship, which, in this case, literally means dividing and conquering us along the lines of access-to-health care/no-access-to-health care, even though this will kill.  Walker's policies are nothing less than economic terrorism

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